At Western Sydney Physiotherapy and Allied Health, we provide individualised patient centred care. We offer 1-on-1 consultations, private treatment rooms and a gym space
Located on the corner of Woodriff St and Lethbridge St, Penrith, we are open Monday to Friday with late appointments available. We provide a range of services and treatment, including:
Sports Injuries
Spinal Injuries
WorkCover and CTP
Exercise Physiology

Opening Hours:
Monday 8:30AM - 5:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM-5.30PM
Wednesday 10:30AM-6:00PM
Thursday 8:30AM-6PM
Friday 8:30AM-5:30PM
After hours appointments available by request

Contact Us:
Suite 4, 36 Woodriff St Penrith 2750
Entry via Lethbridge St
P: 02 4704 8494
F: 02 4704 8432
E: wspandalliedhealth@gmail.com